Kostic Type Foundry


Thin Light Regular Bold Black Ultra

Briller is a superwide display sans that covers 6 weights, from the delicate thin on one end to the chunky ultra on the other. Briller tabular figures (via the OT feature) and most of figure-related glyphs (such as monetary symbols) have the same width throughout the weights, thus allowing for fun possibilities in creating contrasting pairs while still retaining the sense of tabular order.

Briller has a character set to support Western and Central European languages. Each weight includes ligatures, proportional lining and tabular figures, fractions and scientific superior/inferior figures.

Designed by Nikola Kostić.

01 Specimen

Six big devils from Japan quickly forgot how to waltz. Thin

“Who takin’ the ebonics quiz?”, the prof jovially axed. Light

Grumpy wizards make a toxic brew for the jovial queen. Regular

Sixty zips were quickly picked from the woven jute bag. Bold

Big July earthquakes confound zany experimental vow. Black

Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Ultra

Waterproof material Black

The High Road Thin (Small caps)

Flat ribbon pasta that has rippled edges on both sides Bold

Mayfield Ultra


Reginette Thin

Hippolyte Victor Collet-Descotils 1773-1815 Light

MAX Black

Cook the pasta according to pack instructions Regular

Boxer Thin

&$4©0µ4∑6√51 5∑∞2¥9%3&0$2

13£8×5@2+3∆7 U-Haul

5∑∞2¥9%3&0$2 U-Haul

02 OpenType features

178 › 178

Tabular numbers line up throughout the weights and both styles – even in Black. Briller was made for a display setting, so a large number of glyphs was made with the same tabular width.

5/8 › ⅝

Each weight includes a set of ready-made fractions accessible via the OpenType feature. There is also a full set of numerators and denominators for creating custom fractions.

H2O › H₂O

A set of superior/inferior figures for footnotes and scientific formulae is also included.

03 Language support

  • Basic Latin/English letters
  • West European diacritics
  • Central Europe
  • Baltic
  • Turkish
  • Romanian





04 Buying options

$140 Complete family



$40 Singles

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